Making money with your online business Series – Marketing

So you’ve invested your time developing your product.  You have done your market research and you have a product that people want to buy.  It is finally launch day for…

Budget time & money to market your company. You need to be found

Having a business…EASY.  Getting your name out there … NOT SO EASY Marketing is not as easy and is certainly not cheap. Especially if your business has limited time or…

Keep your GOOD employees

So you’ve invested your time and money in training them.  They know the ends and outs of your business. They know your clients. Your clients know them.  The truth is,…

Potential Clients Don’t Wait Because Time is Money

Check and respond to your business emails and phone calls and voice mails daily. Clients don’t wait, they find other services.  When a client makes a request, they want to…

Run Away from Free Website Offers

The main benefit of a free website is obvious.  It’s FREE!!!. When it comes to your budget, nothing can beat free.  You’ve already invested your time and money in developing…

Where is your Business Plan?

So you have that great idea.  The idea that’s going to turn you into the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.  Your going to be the next billionaire.  But wait,…

3 Tips to Turn Customers into Repeat Customers

You need repeat customers to have a successful long-term creative business. Repeat customers are the easiest customers.  Think about it, they know your product or service. They trust your brand. …